UK: It’s Art

Bear with me on this one, folks. I’m really trying to keep telling myself that when in Rome, ya gotta do as the Romans do. During the student government election party (which by the way is so intense compared to Ole Miss’s—believe that or not— 50 people are campaigning to win one of 6 spots…

United Kingdom: Skies of Blue, Clouds of White

What a wonderful world. The weather has been incredible. I had to share (even if it’s almost 1 a.m. here) because I am DESPERATE for it to stay a while. Maybe if I blahg about it, I’ll wish it into existence? Nah. So, take a lookie since I much prefer posting lots of pics on…

United Kingdom: Just LEEDing a normal life

Hello friends, family, strangers. Just thought it appropriate to fill you in on the average day here at my new school. Obvi these pics were not all taken in the same day, but I’ll walk you through the thrills that are my average weekday. Typically. This will probably be the most boring blahg ever, but…

United Kingdom: Willy Shakespy and friends

I’m no weather woman (although I did consider it for about a week once) but it looks like a dang blizzard outside. The snow is coming down so heavily and horizontally that I had to whip out my umbrella and carry it in front of me like a body shield. I’m so medieval. Figured it’d…

UK: Just dossin’ around

I know I’ve started every blahg entry until this one with “The one…,” but it’s getting to be a little awk—especially while I’m here and I’m imagining most titles will be stupid similar and confusing. So, RIP, “the one.” Ahhh, so I’ve been here for five snowy, snowy days now and it is just INCREDIBLE….

UK: The One from 30,000 Feet

I’m blahgging from my bed. In my new room. In Leeds, England. WAH! It’s on the mildy crazy side that I’m actually here. And that I made it alive— in one piece. With my sanity and all my luggage. I took notes during each flight (to make for the most accurate first England post) and…