Morocco: Willing To Be Bad at Arabic

I just wanted to buy chocolates for my host family. We needed directions, so we asked for a “chocolatier.” “Toilette?” “CHOC-late” “You want toilette?” “I want CHO-CO-LATE.” After my third technical year of learning Arabic, having conversations that go like this on a daily basis is endlessly frustrating. I think to myself, “When someone pronounced…

Morocco: The Best 10 Things I Packed

1. The Sandals These deserve to go first because I love them so much. They’re Skechers (easy on the wallet) They feel like a yoga mat They’re light I can work for 8 hours or walk for 12 hours in them They match everything Airport security is a breeze! 2. The Hand Wipes / Makeup…

Morocco: How to Make Morocco’s Best Drinks

The three most popular drinks in Morocco are mint tea, fresh juice, and strong coffee. Here’s a guide to making these specialties without having to fly across the Atlantic: The Infamous Moroccan Mint Tea  Green Gunpowder Tea Sugar Mint Boil eight cups of water. Put two heaping spoonfuls of green gunpowder tea into a teapot,…

Morocco: Transportation Station

Getting around Morocco can either be a pleasant journey or a laughably horrible disaster-adventure. First of all, don’t overexert yourself expecting the unexpected. Just relax and accept whatever is happening. It might take a couple extra hours to reach your destination, but that’s never really a problem. Second, always budget for extra time and money….

Morocco: Flowers Through Photos

Whether it’s the tulips in perfect rows at Ole Miss or the mismatched houseplants in Morocco, flowers make any day a little bit brighter. Before I came here, flowers weren’t the first thing that came to mind when I thought about Morocco, but I’ve been pleasantly surprised by just how many flowers and potted plants I…

Morocco: Big Bad Breakfasts

Granola bars are my breakfast of choice in Oxford, but we don’t skimp on the morning meal in Morocco. Even on the days I’m in a rush, breakfast still manages to be a treat. Whether I’m scarfing it down at home, eating at a hostel on Saturday morning, or grabbing a petit dejeuner at a restaurant, I can…

Morocco: Things You’ll Hear in a Souk

I knew I would have to haggle in Moroccan souks, but I definitely wasn’t prepared for the experience. I don’t play games when I souvenir-shop, and neither do the salesmen. Every city, souk, and shop is different and so is each shopping experience. I was a frightened and weak negotiator at first, but after shopping…

Morocco: All That Glitters Is Not Gold

Navigating the Souks of Morocco Walking through a souk in Morocco is a blend between sightseeing and shopping. You feel the pressure of time and money, and merchants can be pushy. Salesmen shout at you in every language, the smells of raw meat waft through the air, and the sun still beats down on you…

Morocco: One Weekend, One Backpack

For a weekend in the beach town of Asilah, packing extra light was my goal. I wanted to make use of a little backpack from Fez instead of my standard one, but I’m an over-packer and over-preparer so it was a challenge. Here are five tips for smarter, lighter packing: Pack with Friends My roommate…

Morocco: Is this real life?

On the train ride back from a weekend trip to Fez, I sighed a little bit to myself about going back to “real life” of school and homework. I then realized, as I have over and over again this first week, what a dream everyday life in Meknes, Morocco is! A school day here includes…