1/7 New Wonders of the World: Petra

My first week in Jordan was definitely one for the books! Coming here, I didn’t know anyone in my program. I was diving in headfirst into something completely new. Classes were really hard for me considering we have to be placed into our levels. Being a native speaker and trying to be placed into a…

Introduction to the Middle East and Me

Hey! My name is Tala Alomary (Pronounced like Tallahassee and Aloe-mary) and I am a Summer 2022 graduate at the University of Mississippi. I am currently studying in Amman, Jordan to satisfy my foreign language requirement for my English degree. I’m having an incredible time here and I can’t wait to tell you all about…

The Seoul Diaries: 2박 3일 in 제주도~

Howdy and welcome back! Last week, I went on probably my only true vacation that I will be getting before the semester starts again (sad, I know). However, this trip to Jeju Island was probably the most healing time that I have felt in a long time. Of course, it was very hot, humid, and…

The Seoul Diaries: Joining School Clubs Abroad

SCHOOL’S OUT! SCREAM AND SHOUT! It is finally the end of finals and I am free at last! Free to sleep in and not stress about school for a little while!! Finals week was such a drag, but I tried my best and did what I could. Throughout this past semester, along with taking classes…

You should get away (to another place)

Da da da! Another installment of my life in Korea. Today is a dual episode of my trip to Busan and Jeju (a very unfortunate trip but more on that later). First, Busan! Busan was such a different experience from Seoul and it was so crazy to see it up close. When we got there,…

The Seoul Diaries: Random Places and Events that I’ve Been to!

Hello and welcome back to another installment of the Seoul Diaries. Finals are less than 2 weeks away and I am a bundle of mixed emotions. Half of me is extremely homesick and can’t wait to see my family again soon, but the other half of me is missing Korea (even though I haven’t left…

Special Episode: Chaos

Coming to you live from a bus in Jeju~~~~ Jacqueline Hibbard!!!! *appropriate theme music ensues* You know those time when you have all the control in the world but also none what so ever? Well that’s where I am. We are in the final countdown, with just about three weeks left of our stay. This…

Special Episode: The Little Things

I have kept it no secret that my adjustment to life in Korea wasn’t the smoothest. From the moment I arrived, to a few weeks after school started, I was still struggling mentally. So, in this blog I wanted to talk about how I’ve adjusted and gotten through this important time in my life. I…

All the Touristy Chaos

Previously on Jaxs is Now Able to Function: “We are all moved in!!! *has mental breakdown*” “Meet the homies…” “Yay, I got all the classes I wanted!” *starts yet another Disney movie* Coming to you straight from the middle of Ewha Women’s University I-House AB Lounge in the middle of midterms… Well guys, it’s been…

The Seoul Diaries: 2박 3일 in 강릉

안녕하세요! Welcome back to my blog~ Today, I will be giving you the breakdown of my 3 days and 2 nights trip in Gangneung (강릉), which is located on the east coast of Korea. Food!!! Here are the Gangneung STAPLE foods that you must try if you ever go! You won’t regret it! 물회 –…